Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tiptoe through the tulips

I knew all along that I was NOT going to try and wrangle the kids during sacrament meeting but I also didn't want to find someone to teach my Sunday School class. The quick fix was to just show up in time to teach. It worked out quite well, if I do say so my self.

It took 2 trips to load up the car and 5 minutes to get Emma away from the blooming tulips! For whatever reason she decided she needed an elephant with her. Better than a binky, right?

The ride to church was very entertaining. Emma had all sorts of insights to share along the way... First she told me she "loves church!" When I asked why she said, "I always say 'thank you, bishop when he gives me a sucker!". Can't beat that, can ya'?

Then she came up with this...

-We are going to church, Mommy?
-We are not going to Meherg's house?
-Because Mommy Meherg is naughty.
-Because she says GRRR to me!
-Emma, she says that to you because YOU say it to HER first!
-But Mommy Meherg can have Baby Drew!

DeAnna cracked up when I told her that one! I am not sure why Emma growls at people, some strange defense mechanism I guess.

And Drew? Well, Mommy Meherg DID take him. I had asked her ahead of time to watch him during my lesson. She had to go do something, so Robert started out with Drew. Drew realized I was in the room and his little face became SO sad and he came UNGLUED! So Lily Gabor stepped in. When I finally got the little guy back I found out he got to go outside and play- so really, it turned out just fine!

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