Monday, April 12, 2010

Rainy Monday

Ok,well it wasn't TOO rainy, but we are supposed to get thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow...

Both kids got a late start today. Drew did his 4:45 wake-up so he got an early diaper change and warm bottle. That one-two punch knocked him back out until nearly 6:30! Woohoo! And his big sister didn't start hollering, "Mommy, I'm waking up!" until almost 7!

Emma and I almost had a clothing battle, she was NOT happy with her shirt. There was weeping and wailing until I showed the pockets. Then she told me she could put popcorn for Daisy in them and all was well.

Drew, that little go-getter- came home with a major bonk on his forehead and no one is quite sure where it came from. Oh well, no stitches, glue, or emergency room visits needed so it's all good!

Somehow Drew's bib just got turned around and Emma said it is his super hero cape.
Never a dull moment!

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