Sunday, April 11, 2010

I thought times like "4:45a.m." were just a myth!

So, guess what time Drew decided to start HIS day.

Yup. And That about sums up our Saturday.

Ok, not really, but it was NOT the best start! I gave him a bottle and hoped he would sack out for a little while, but no. Once he finished he was ready to roll by 5:30. Luckily, his big sister made it until 7.

Once everyone was up and had a hearty breakfast - no, thank YOU Eggos Cinnamon Toast- we just played and played until Emma began monitoring the comings and goings on College Avenue. She saw a black SUV make a U-turn in front of the house and announced, "Daddy's home!" I took the opportunity to tell her Daddy is on a plane going to Vancouver. For the rest of the morning she talked about "Poor Tom" and how he misses us! When she told me that Poor Tom is not feeling well because he misses us I asked her what would make him feel better. Her reply? "A biscuit". OK, well, easy enough- eat a biscuit and feel better, Daddy!

Lunch was noodles all around- surprise, surprise! I did treat Emma to some pudding which made her quite happy and not THAT messy! She said it was like eating a "biiiiiig chocolate milk!"

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