Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Life is Good

Things at work are in a bit of an uproar-situations where any answers just lead to confusion and more questions.

So what a treat to leave work and go see this...

I have beautiful, healthy and happy children, I have a job I enjoy, and Daddy will be home tomorrow. I certainly cannot complain!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Rainy Monday

Ok,well it wasn't TOO rainy, but we are supposed to get thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow...

Both kids got a late start today. Drew did his 4:45 wake-up so he got an early diaper change and warm bottle. That one-two punch knocked him back out until nearly 6:30! Woohoo! And his big sister didn't start hollering, "Mommy, I'm waking up!" until almost 7!

Emma and I almost had a clothing battle, she was NOT happy with her shirt. There was weeping and wailing until I showed the pockets. Then she told me she could put popcorn for Daisy in them and all was well.

Drew, that little go-getter- came home with a major bonk on his forehead and no one is quite sure where it came from. Oh well, no stitches, glue, or emergency room visits needed so it's all good!

Somehow Drew's bib just got turned around and Emma said it is his super hero cape.
Never a dull moment!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tiptoe through the tulips

I knew all along that I was NOT going to try and wrangle the kids during sacrament meeting but I also didn't want to find someone to teach my Sunday School class. The quick fix was to just show up in time to teach. It worked out quite well, if I do say so my self.

It took 2 trips to load up the car and 5 minutes to get Emma away from the blooming tulips! For whatever reason she decided she needed an elephant with her. Better than a binky, right?

The ride to church was very entertaining. Emma had all sorts of insights to share along the way... First she told me she "loves church!" When I asked why she said, "I always say 'thank you, bishop when he gives me a sucker!". Can't beat that, can ya'?

Then she came up with this...

-We are going to church, Mommy?
-We are not going to Meherg's house?
-Because Mommy Meherg is naughty.
-Because she says GRRR to me!
-Emma, she says that to you because YOU say it to HER first!
-But Mommy Meherg can have Baby Drew!

DeAnna cracked up when I told her that one! I am not sure why Emma growls at people, some strange defense mechanism I guess.

And Drew? Well, Mommy Meherg DID take him. I had asked her ahead of time to watch him during my lesson. She had to go do something, so Robert started out with Drew. Drew realized I was in the room and his little face became SO sad and he came UNGLUED! So Lily Gabor stepped in. When I finally got the little guy back I found out he got to go outside and play- so really, it turned out just fine!

Did they use Elmer's?

About 5:30 on Saturday the back doorbell rang. I was in the middle of changing a diaper so I considered ignoring it. Then, just as I was finishing, I heard loud knocking. There at the door was Sarah Taylor who told me Maddie had fallen and cut her chin. In the following 3 minutes Helaina and Henry were in our living room whooping it up with Emma and Drew, I had a mini stash of diapers, and Sarah handed off her uncooked home-made pizza (yum, just YUM) for us to cook and eat.

The kids had a great time playing together but Emma was SO naughty! She would not do a THING I asked and worked to push every button I had- running on the table bench, jumping on the couch, throwing toys... I realize she was just showing off for her friends, but seriously, I had been up since 4:45 a.m.!

Sarah made it back around 7:30. She had taken Maddie to the emergency room where the two doctors disagreed, one thought she needed stitches and the other said no. So they ended up gluing her chin.

Glue? Really?

I can't wait to check Maddie out when we see her at church!

Bibs and bathtubs

I think we went through 6 bibs on Saturday. 3 for excessive drooling and then one at each meal. Drew has the habit of gooshing out every third bite of his baby food and then catching the goosh in his hand. What a treat!

When Drew woke from his nap ready to hit the ground running (crawling, really- but he is getting close...). I let him have the run of the room, as he likes to do when his sister is not around, and then he came over for a hug. When I picked him up I noticed his back felt wet. How on EARTH did he get drool back there?


As I said before, it was noodles for lunch. What I didn't mention was that there were carrots and peas too. Apparently Drew doesn't chew the carrots and peas. We had to make a mad dash bathtub and do some serious scrubbing. We filled and emptied the tub twice and Drew was NOT allowed to suck on the wash cloth this time.

The second bath of the day- yes, the second- came after dinner when he chomped on 2 biter biscuits while watching the "big" kids eat pizza.

But that SMILE- I would do just about anything for that kid's smile!

I thought times like "4:45a.m." were just a myth!

So, guess what time Drew decided to start HIS day.

Yup. And That about sums up our Saturday.

Ok, not really, but it was NOT the best start! I gave him a bottle and hoped he would sack out for a little while, but no. Once he finished he was ready to roll by 5:30. Luckily, his big sister made it until 7.

Once everyone was up and had a hearty breakfast - no, thank YOU Eggos Cinnamon Toast- we just played and played until Emma began monitoring the comings and goings on College Avenue. She saw a black SUV make a U-turn in front of the house and announced, "Daddy's home!" I took the opportunity to tell her Daddy is on a plane going to Vancouver. For the rest of the morning she talked about "Poor Tom" and how he misses us! When she told me that Poor Tom is not feeling well because he misses us I asked her what would make him feel better. Her reply? "A biscuit". OK, well, easy enough- eat a biscuit and feel better, Daddy!

Lunch was noodles all around- surprise, surprise! I did treat Emma to some pudding which made her quite happy and not THAT messy! She said it was like eating a "biiiiiig chocolate milk!"